Embryo engineering

美 [ˈembrioʊ ˌendʒɪˈnɪrɪŋ]英 [ˈembriəʊ ˌendʒɪˈnɪərɪŋ]
  • 网络胚胎工程
Embryo engineeringEmbryo engineering
  1. Embryo engineering technology and their application in animal production


  2. Research Methods of the Cytology and Embryo Engineering


  3. In order to provide basic materials for reproduction physiology and embryo engineering , the Yellow Cattle 's oviduct was observed by freezing section and HE staining .


  4. Along with the development of embryo engineering technique , it changes more and more urgent and essential to begin to study in vitro embryo production of deer in our country .


  5. Oocyte for embryo engineering recovered from ovaries of slaughtered animals have been found highly variable in their quality , so have to be selected strictly .


  6. With the development of agriculture , and especially the rapid development of embryo engineering in flock and herds , the sex control has become more and more important in the farm animal industry .


  7. Paul Nurse , former President of the Royal Society , which focuses on biomedical research , has noted the major achievements China has made in quantum-communication satellites and human embryo engineering .


  8. Oocytes maturation and in vitro culture systerm are important parts of the embryo engineering and developmental biology . The oocytes reprogramming ability is determined by the degree of maturation .


  9. The technology of oocyte maturation in vitro was harnessed to obtain plenty of oocytes , which would not only circumvent the limitations of the superovulation but also meet the need of the embryo engineering .


  10. The ES cell separation and cloning technique combined with genetic modification and the embryo engineering showed promising theoretical and practical values in animal growth and development model , the protection of endangered species , and establishment of advanced animal breeding systems etc. .


  11. Bovine and ovine both are very important livestock in the field of mammal reproduction study including embryo engineering 、 animal cloning and transgenic animal production , but the mechanism of bovine and ovine oocyte meiotic maturation is not completely clear .


  12. The paper reviewed the embryo engineering and technology , including embryo-transfer , embryo freezing / preservation , embryo division , in vitro fertilization , sex identification and control , gene-transferred animal , nuclear transfer , embryonic stem cell and embryo chimera , and their application prospect in animal farming .


  13. Advance Animal Embryo Technique The Engineering


  14. The scientists in England and France are doing research work on genetics and breeding of hybrid rice by making use of molecular marker . plasmatic fusion . ratooning of plantlet or somatic embryo and genic engineering techniques .


  15. Present Situation of Dairy Cattle Embryo Transplantation and Embryo Engineering Techniques in China and the Important Research Field for the " 11th Five-year " Program


  16. The culture of porcine oocytes maturation in vitro , parthenogenetic activation of MII porcine oocytes and embryo culture are main technology of embryo biology engineering .


  17. In recent years , the business that embryo transplant application and the research of every kind of embryo engineering development all need a mass of high-quality earlier period embryo .


  18. In 2001 ~ 2004 , it was used to conduct the test of embryo transfer that 172 frozen embryos of cattle of different breeds were introduced into Huzhu county from the centre of embryo engineering in Xinjiang Hutubi Breeding Cattle Farm .
